Social Security/Health Insurance – France

1. Health Insurance
2. Other Social Security Schemes

In France, sex workers can register within the social security system. This includes registration for

  • pension schemes;
  • social security benefits;
  • State-organised health care schemes.

There is no differentiation between the regulations for prostitutes and those for other sex workers.

1. Health Insurance

A. Health Care Schemes (State-Organised)

1. Migrant Sex Workers with a Residence Permit
State-organised health insurance schemes are available to all sex workers within the following schemes:

  • Universal Insurance (“Couverture Mutuelle Universelle” – CMU)
  • State Medical Help (“Aide Médicale Etat” – AME).

Non-EU migrants can get into these schemes only if they have been staying in France for a certain period:

  • for Universal Insurance (CMU), they must have spent more than three years in France;
  • or State Medical Help (AME), they must have spent more than three months in France.

Women who want to register within the social security system or the health care system need a passport, a residence permit (limited or unlimited) and a work permit. As an alternative to a residence permit, they need an artist’s visa or a tourist visa.

Since 2001, registration in the social security system is free. The insurance can be used inside France only. It is not valid in any other country, not even in another EU country.

2. Migrants without Legal Status
Since it is necessary to present the papers mentioned above (residency and work permit), it is hardly possible for women without a legal status to register in the social security system. The reason for this is that, without papers, there is no proof that they have been staying in France for more than three months (AME)/three years (CMU). Also, they risk their illegal status becoming known to the authorities, with the consequence of probable exportation.

B. Private Health Insurance

The alternative to registration in state-organised health care schemes is a private health insurance policy. This is also possible for non-EU migrant sex workers.

2. Other Social Security Schemes

A. Migrants with a Residence Permit

All (migrant) sex workers can register within the general social security system. They need to present a passport, a residence permit and a work permit. As an alternative to a residence permit, they need either an artist’s visa or a tourist visa.

However, non-EU migrants can register only if they have been staying in France for a certain period: to obtain Universal Insurance (CMU), they must have been living there for more than three years.

Since 2001, registration in the social security system is free. The insurance can be used inside France only; it is not valid in any other country, not even in another EU-country.

B. Migrants without Legal Status

Migrants without the necessary permits and papers cannot register, since they cannot prove they have been living in France for more than three years. Also, they risk their illegal status becoming known to the authorities, with the consequence of probable deportation.
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