Migration – France

1. Entering France
2. Staying in France
3. Leaving France

The following section, Migration – France, contains information on conditions a woman must fulfill in order to obtain a residence permit and – where applicable – a work permit in France.

The section is divided into three parts:
Part 1 (
Entering France) gives details of the conditions under which a migrant may legally enter France. In most cases, she can apply for a visa which permits her to enter the country and to remain there for a limited period of time. This initial residence permit in the form of a visa is described here. Possibilities of entering the country vary according to the purpose of the intended stay; you will find detailed information in the text, separated by the respective reason for entering (Entering as/for… 1. a Tourist, 2. Work Purposes, 3. Marriage Purposes, 4. Registered Same-Sex Partnership, 5. a Student, 6. an Au Pair, 7. an Asylum Seeker).

Part 2 (Staying in France) indicates the length of time and the conditions under which the woman may – having legally entered the country – extend her stay in France. The conditions under which the initial residence permit can be extended are explained. As in Part 1, the section is divided into categories according to the different reasons for staying (Staying as/for… 1. a Tourist, 2. Work Purposes, 3. a Married Person, 4. a Mother, 5. an Asylum Seeker). In addition, it contains information regarding possibilities of acquiring French Nationality.

Finally, Part 3 (Leaving France) indicates reasons which may lead to the woman’s being forced to leave France. Also, it contains information regarding consequences for a woman who is expelled or deported from France, and whether this might become problematic if she subsequently wishes to re-enter France.

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