Prostitute Counselling Centre / Pro-Tukipiste |
Vilhonkatu 4B 20
FI-00100 Helsinki
Fon +358 (0)9 7262 877 or
Fon +358 (0)9 6842 5570 (Russian & Estonian)
Fax + 358 (0)9 7231 0250
Office hours
MON 12.00 to 16.00
THU 12.00 to 16.00
- Clinical work, Drop in
- Medical services (STD/HIV tests, check ups, information about contraception etc.)
- Social services, counselling and information (individually or in groups)
- Food on Mondays and Thursdays
- Coffee & tea
- Peer conversations
- Therapeutic discussions and consultations individually or in groups
- Information materials in 15 languages
- Distribution of condoms & lubricants
- Outreach work in sex bars and street prostitution area
- All services are free of charge and anonymous
- Languages: Finnish, English, Estonian, Russian and Swedish
Finnish Association for Mental Health Crisis Prevention Centre |
Simonkatu 12 B
00100 Helsinki
Fon + 358 (0)9 685 2828
Fax + 358 (0)9 685 21 31
Office hours
From 9.00 to 15.00
It is necessary to make an appointment.
- The crisis prevention centre for foreigners works to help all foreigners living in Finland as well as their families to cope with psychological and social problems.
The client can discuss their problems in the own language (directly or through interpreter). Quick and flexible assistance. The client does not need to give his/her name.
- Services are free of charge.
The Finnish AIDS Council |
Hietaniemenkatu 5
00100 Helsinki
Fon help line +358 (0)9 454 3536
Fon switchboard +358 (0)9 454 2070
Fax +358 (0)9 454 20 760
- support and psychosocial help to those who are already infected and those who just suspect they could have been infected or are in a high risk of becoming infected
- standard HIV antibody tests
- confidential counselling
- distribution of condoms and lubricants
- All services are anonymous and free of charge
- Languages: Finnish, Swedish and English
Finnish Service for Crime Victims / Rikosuhripäivystys |
Central office
Fon +358 (0)9-6123232
E-mail petra.kjallman@rikosuhripaivystys
Personal support for victims of crime in local offices (there are ten regional offices in Finland, more information from the central office.
National Help Line |
Help Line: +358 (0)203-16116
Office hours
MON – TUE 13.00 – 21.00
WED – FRI 17.00 – 21.00
Practical advice and psychological support
Juridical Advice |
Fon +358 (0)203-16117
Office hours
MON – THU 17.00 to 19.00, local call charge only
- Legal advice by phone offers victims the chance to find out their legal rights and to receive guidance in such matters. The legal advice service is meant for individual citizens who have become victims of crimes. The volunteer lawyers providing the service give general practical advice, e.g. how to get something done and where to turn for help. The objective is to recognise the rights of the victims and to advise them in finding suitable.
- Languages: Finnish, Swedish and English
Rape Crisis Centre Tukinainen |
P.O. Box 1346
00101 Helsinki
Fon office +358 (0)9 5860 360
Fax +358 (0)9 685 1979
Professional help for coping with sexual abuse and violence. Tukinainen, the crisis centre for women who have been sexually assaulted, provides support and guidance for women and girls who have been sexually assaulted and/ or abused.
National Free Crisis Telephone |
Fon 0800 – 97899
Office hours
MON – THU 09.00 – 17.00
FRi – SUN 17.00 – 24.00
(also on holidays and holiday eves)
Confidential conversation and information about sexual abuse and violence. Personal appointments, information about groups and weekend courses. The employees of Tukinainen are all women. The therapeutic and legal services of Tukinainen are free of charge.
National Free Legal Consultation |
Fon 0800 – 97895
Office hours
MON – THU 14.00 to 17.00
- Information about crimes (such as rape, violence against women in a close relationships, sexual abuse of children, molestation, restraining orders). Personal appointments, support and legal assistance.
- Languages: Finnish, Swedish and English
Women’s Line |
Mannerheimintie 76 B
00250 Helsinki
Fon +358 (0)9 436 1008
National Help Line |
Fon 0800 0 2400
Office hours
MON – THU 16.00 to 20.00
MON 16.00 to 20.00 in Swedish
- Advice and support to girls and women, who have experienced or are experiencing violence or threat of violence.
- Languages: Finnish, Swedish and English
“Caisa” / The International Cultural Centre |
Kaisaniemenkatu 6 B, 2. floor
00100 Helsinki
Fon +358 (0)9 169 3984 (office)
- Its aim is to support the multicultural development of the city by promoting the interaction of people from different countries, and by providing information about various cultures and about Finnish society.
- Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English, Somali, Russian, French and Arabic